Future Vision Blog Post #1: Design Considerations

I have decided to create ePortfolios with my students using Google Sites.  Using Google site is the most logical choice as all of my students have access to GAFE.  I will try this out with one of my grade 8 blocks in semester two. In my research on e-portfolio, I came across a few different types of ePortfolio and what purpose it will be used for. Eportfolios can be created specifically for a course, to promote one’s job or career, and for learning and reflecting.   The following diagram from Helen Barret's paper on ePortfolio, provided me with further understanding of the different parts of an ePortfolio.  It helped me to focus on what and how I will use the ePortfolio in my class. In the first stage if this project, I will be focusing on the left side of this diagram, which is the documentation of learning (process).  I will also try to weave in the Core Competencies at the Immediate Reflection and Reflective Journal stage. I plan to have students maintain and update their ePortfolio into the third semester and have something to reflect on at the end of the school year. It will also serve as an assessment tool for assessment 'of learning, 'for' learning, and 'as' learning occurs.

EPortfolio as product and/or Process (Helen Barrett)

Helen Barrett [[1]] describes a balance between two types of e-portfolio: product and process.

I really like the ePortfolio format in the following link https://sites.google.com/site/highschoolsampleportfolio/ and will use it as a guide for creating ePortfolios with my own students.  I also have thought about what I want to be included in the ePortfolios and this consists of the following: introduction, personal statement or inspirational quote, samples of their best work, extracurricular activities and goals for the future.  I have not included a resume or letters of recommendation at this point, perhaps towards the end of the year or if I do this with a senior class I will include them as well as an awards/ honors/proof of learning section.


Barret, H. (2010). Balancing 2 Faces of ePortfolios. [online] Electronicportfolios.org. Available at: http://electronicportfolios.org/balance/index.html [Accessed 10 Nov. 2017].

Centre for Teaching Excellence. (1992). Examples of student ePortfolios | Centre for Teaching Excellence. [online] Available at: https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-teaching-excellence/resources/integrative-learning/eportfolios/examples-student-eportfolios [Accessed 10 Nov. 2017].

Dunn, J. (2017). englishportfolio. [online] englishportfolio. Available at: http://whsjakedunn.wixsite.com/englishportfolio [Accessed 10 Nov. 2017].

High School Sample Portfolio. (2016). [video] Available at: https://sites.google.com/site/highschoolsampleportfolio/ [Accessed 10 Nov. 2017].

Malik, S. (2012). An example of an excellent ePortfolio. [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_FmRH6Lj5c [Accessed 10 Nov. 2017].


  1. I found your blog interesting as i had not thought of doing e portfolios and checked out your links as how it helps in showcasing skills learned through multi media for a class and professionally too. In my montessori school we use regular portfolios of students best work in all areas throughout the year so this is a natural extension.

  2. A good idea to explore and implement with your own students. Creating, supporting and maintaining E-Portfolios is a great way to help students organize and document their own learning, sharing their best evidence and reflecting on their own growth. How will you share this resource with other teachers who might be interested in supporting the use of EPortfolios at their school? Finding a way to share all your own learning and how you implemented this process at your school will be a big part of your final vision project.

  3. Hmmm...good question. How will I share this information with other teachers who might be interested in using ePortfolios? I think I could share it under my department's folder in Firstclass as well as send it out the link to all staff at my school on Firstclass mail. Oh..I could also tweet it out too.


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